Ha ha, nice.
Yup, the good ol' days of RO, I had some good times with my Knight and faithful Peco Peco. Anyways, your visuals are really nice, mostly because I like the way you animated your characters. Things like simple head movements and such really brought your characters more alive instead of walking them up to an object and moving their mouths. I like you you got mauled by the Acolite and how she teleported out of there; lousy acolites, always made me pay for teleports, but that's what running into the portal from a distance is for. I may have been rich, but every Zenny counts, ha ha ha. The voice acting was surprisingly good. I agree with J3nnica, it's nice to hear voice acting in sprite movies instead of the traditional bubble. You guys had a nice laid-back tone while J3nnica gave a nicely rounded perky tone for her Acolite. I liked the style, which captured the basic mood of just walking around and murdering cute little animals in the world of RO. It was a tad short, but I liked it. Nice work.