Looks great, but I'm a bit confused...
...what time frame in the MM universe are we looking at here? Is this pre-android when everything is done with those nifty "net" fighters, because the characters strongly resemble that time frame. Or is this after the Mavericks time already, since Zero already exists? Or is it just a paralell universe? Aside from the backdrop of the plot not making much sense, I really liked what you did here. The visuals look great, especially the cities and such. Nice sense of animation and character expression. The reviewer Smokeuman has a point about "rip offs" and making your own characters, but he goes a little overboard. If you can make these characters really unique and interesting, you've got it made. Just because they're already made characters doesn't mean you should leave it for someone else. Tap into their personality traits and really make them come alive; that's what it's all about. Good luck, hope to see some more of your work in the future.