Moose Produce must live on!
EZ3 said it best, you're much too good to quit flash. For getting something good like that in there, that's pretty damn amazing. Your visuals are nice and have your own personal touch to them. Your audio was very well used, from the WCIII to the lightsaber SFX. Style was great, though I'm not sure what the hell was going on, lol. I just know I liked your execution on everything, right down to the end. I love SBC as much as the next guy, but there's no reason to rip you apart, I don't know why people would gnash at you for it. And EZ3, you've been banned enough times to know you can mention the "K" word on NG. *I* can't believe you would *SUGGEST* something like *DOWNLOADING FLASH 5* from some place; aazaK. Why, by doing that, one could contine working up and coming flash 5 work w/out delay, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more. Hoo boy, I'm gonna get my balls ripped off now. I hope you'll contiue your work, you've really got talent.