....that has got to be one of the weirdest flash movies I've ever seen....ever. Your visuals were kind of jotty. I'm not really finiky about that type of thing, but when I saw that there was very little animation in it, then it really bagan to hurt it. The way you made things movie when that first boss guy came out was pretty cool. But as far as movement goes, it felt like a slide show. And..err...if you don't mind me saying, that rocket was a tad strange looking. I mean...err...nevermind. As for your audio, I highly HIGHLY recomend you compress your music. it was good stuff, but I could hear that lots of it was pretty rich in quality, meaning big file size. If you don't know how to compress audio don't hesitate to refer to the Newgrounds Forums. They have a flash section where you'll get all the answers you need. As for style...I have no idea what to think of this movie. I've just never seen a plot all over the place at once before. First this guy's fighting some psycho ass dude with some red thing on his head, the next he's flying to the moon in a weird rocket, the next space hampsters come out, then he cries cuz he killed, lol. It's just a very very br---oad scope. It came off humerous, but somehow in a good way. Your style is very inriguing, keep on practicing, people love movies like this. Just look at the NG artist DrunkMagiKoopa. I need say no more. Keep on practicing, you can only get better.