Hmm, great effort, needs work though.
Now, seeing as this seems to be a frame by frame effort, I'm going to rate this as fairly as I can and give a review that touches on a lot of this flash, seeing as you put effort into this. I can see you poured long hours of work into this, so kudos to you on that. The problem is that a lot of graphics seem to be really smooshed together. I think if you cleaned up your art, it would really make a difference. On the the subject of the music. Ok, that Cell remix or whatever that was, was so simple it could have just as easily been a midi file. I'm only stating this cuz uhhh...<looks at file size> DAMN! 0_o The plot was kind of thin. I mean, using DBZ stuff in the school area was a bit corny. But even that could have been fixed if your main character could have savagely had the crap beat out of him and THEN gone all powered up; I didn't really understand the whole elec outlet part. It was a good effort, clean up the art a bit and add a bit more twists to the plot and you'll be on your way, I'll be keeping an eye out for you work, good luck.