A bit typical.
While I always enjoy a good megaman movie, it was a bit typical of a sprite movie. Though, I do see it was your first entry, so I'll keep that in mind. The way you animated your visuals is a really good start. I like that you had him jumping over things, walking down ramps, and going into different scenes and backgrounds; it makes the character and the world more real. Though there were a few sprites, like Dr. Light, that looked a bit squished or stretched. The sfx were nicely choesen, nothing too weird or out of place. The style is kind of iffy because the story is a bit off. Megaman or Light shouldn't exist during the Maverick time frame. And then it was a Robot Master that ended up showing up instead of a Maverick. The ending was kind of a thump too, just too basic for something so drawn out. Oh well, it was a nice first attempt, really good for this point in the game. Keep on practicing, hope to see more of your work in the future.